Teachers Make the Leap
Teachers Make the Leap is a show that empowers educators to embrace the possibilities of online business. Kristin and Hillary are two former teachers turned online business owners who have created flexible work schedules, exceeded their teaching incomes, and built thriving businesses that keep them fulfilled and excited to show up for their clients. If you dream of finally leaving teaching to be able to make your own schedule and increase your earning potential, join us each week as we explore real ways to get there through online business.
Teachers Make the Leap
Year End Reflections Part 1: Biggest Joys, Best Books, and Would-Watch-Again Shows of 2024
Join Kristin and Hillary for part one of their annual reflection episode where they unpack the unexpected delights and simple pleasures that made 2024 special. From sunny afternoons on coffee shop patios to international adventures, they're sharing the moments—and the books—that shaped their year.
Hillary's Year-End Reflection Questions:
- What was an unexpected joy this past year?
- What was your favorite book you read this year?
- What was your favorite movie or TV show?
- What worked out in your favor this year?
- How satisfied were you with your work this year? What did you enjoy and not enjoy?
- What was the biggest thing you learned about yourself?
- What was your biggest challenge this year?
- What is one magical moment that made you feel alive or grateful or joyful?
- What are three adjectives you would use to describe 2023?
- What will you choose to remember 2023 for?
Grab a journal and your favorite drink and enjoy some focused time of reflection on the year past.
Want to ask Kristin and Hillary a question? Click here to submit your question to the podcast. We'll answer it on an upcoming episode of Teachers Make the Leap!
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Welcome to Teachers Make the Leap, a show that empowers educators to build online businesses they love and revolutionize the way work shows up in their lives. I'm your host, Kristen. And I'm your host, Hillary. We're two former teachers who have successfully made the leap from classroom to entrepreneurship. If you dream of finally leaving teaching to be able to make your own schedule and increase your earning potential, join us each week as we explore real ways to get there through online business.
Hillary:Welcome to this episode of Teachers Make the Leap. This, wow. Let me just Welcome to this episode of Teachers Make the Leap. Now in today's episode, Kristen and I are going to do one of my favorite things to do, and we're going to reflect on the past year together. You might remember that we did one of these reflection episodes at the end of last year, 2023, and some of the questions that we're going to talk about are based on an exercise. That I do at the end of every year in which I journal in response to about 10 questions, kind of reflecting on the past year. And then I also journal on on about 12 questions, setting intentions for the following year. So we'll have another episode down the line where we are setting intentions for 2025 together, but it's 1 of my. Favorite end of year rituals. I always do it, you know, kind of around New Year's Eve, New Year's, where I just sit down and have some time to myself and journal. so that's what we're going to do today. I'm curious, Christian, since I. Shared with you that I do this last year. Is this something that you do or that you like doing?
Kristin:You know, it's not something that I've created as a ritual in my own life, but I think the ritual on my end has weirdly morphed into you and I doing these things together. So thank you for sharing this with me. I'm really excited to talk through some of these reflection questions because it's, It's so important to like spend time to intentionally reflect, and I'm a person who's pretty much always focused on what comes next. And I really do have to remind myself and almost have to be put in a position where I have to reflect in order to do that. So, I'm excited.
Hillary:Yeah, I, I have always found since I started doing this, I think I started doing this in either 2020 or 2021. so it's not like it's been years and years of me doing this, but since I started it going through these particular questions, I always feel like I realize and sort of almost cement something or multiple things from the year behind me that I wouldn't have otherwise really. Ever thought about ever again. And so I really love that. It kind of helps me like define each year for specific things. And I, and I kind of like that because it, when I look back on my answers from previous years, I can really see how much I've grown and how much I've changed and also how much I haven't changed too. So I know it's just, I really enjoy it. So now I'm glad that we're kind of like documenting this verbally too, on our podcast.
Kristin:I know this is super fun. I also want to say I love that the questions are the same from year to year because they really do get to like serve as sort of this way to earmark what has changed and what's what hasn't changed and and all those things you just mentioned.
Hillary:Yeah, and this thought just came to mind, you know, if anyone is kind of interested in this and if you don't do something like this, but you're interested in it, I'll go ahead and list all of the questions in the show notes, even if we're not going to answer all of the questions verbally, just so everyone kind of has them if they want them. So, should we dive in?
Hillary:All right, I always like to start with some lighter questions. the first question that I usually start with is what is one unexpected joy that you had this year?
Kristin:Okay. For me thinking about an unexpected joy from 2024, I actually want to mention two. One is that I took a trip. I don't know if I've talked about this on the podcast at all this year, but I took a trip to France. in the summer with three of my most very dear friends from grad school who I met in grad school. And this was my only my second time abroad ever. And probably one of my first times doing a big trip without my significant other. So just with my friends, just like a pure friend group type of thing. And the ways in which that trip healed me and just like nourished my soul was Off the charts. and we went to Nice, France, we were in the south of France and I remember you know, like floating in the Mediterranean and thinking to myself, I want to do more of this in my life. And I, I don't mean the extravagance. Like I don't mean like, Oh, I want a jet set across the whole world and all that stuff. Like that was not what I took from that trip. But what I took from the trip was I want to spend more time in a non work setting with people who I just really want to be around. Like people that I just feel myself around and it was just, you know, we spent time watching the Olympics cause the Olympics were on and we had an Airbnb with like all of these couches. So it was just such a fun living space. we made meals together. We ate incredible desserts and pastries and dinners. And we walked down to the beach every day. And I'm not even a beach person. And I just couldn't wait to like go sit on the Pebble Beach, uh, in the south of France. With some of my, very, very dear friends. So, that was absolutely an unexpected joy. And I will say that, Yeah, it almost didn't happen. Like it's, it's hard to get everybody on the same page, especially at the stage in life where everybody's got work responsibilities and lives all over the, the States and the country. So it was so nice that it, it actually happened. cause we'd been talking about it for a while and it was just such a nourishing 10 days for me that I, can only hope to repeat in the future years.
Hillary:I love that so much. This is the smallest thing, but just, it just resonated with me so much. You said you stayed in an Airbnb with a bunch of couches. And that is the first thing that I look at when I'm looking at an Airbnb, especially when I'm going to be staying with other people, whether it's like, you know, my family, we're all going to stay in an Airbnb, or if we're going, you know, on like. Like one year I went on a friend's giving with, um, my partner and some of our mutual friends, Liv and John. And I was like, we have to find a place with couches that we can all just like hang out on and that's actually kind of hard to find. So I'm so glad that you have that in the South of France was the couch situation.
Kristin:It really makes the trip, especially if you're a little bit of a homebody. Right? And you don't want to just kind of run out of the house 24 7. yeah, that was an unexpected joy for sure. I want to share 1 more small 1 and then I'm very excited to hear what yours was for the year. So this year. I started doing something very, very simple that I have come to like, literally cherish. And that is that I started trying to get more steps in, in a day. So I really decided to track my steps on my phone, which I'm sure everybody, you know, you have an app in your phone or your Apple watch or whatever. and I tried to challenge myself to get more steps than normal. So this resulted in me taking a lot more walks. And they're usually just walks by myself. So I'll either, you know, walk to the gym or walk around the, a local park. And I found this one path And it's this lovely, lovely, wide, flat path through a beautiful local park with, you know, you see folks playing tennis and playing pickleball or You know, having a picnic or with their blankets spread out on the grass and there's all these beautiful mature trees and one thing Fort Collins is known for is It's bike paths and it's like paths to walk on so you can go for miles and miles and miles and this has just been such a fun way for me to get more sunshine in my days to get more movement, which feels really good to challenge myself a little bit You And I found myself with time on my walks, like what do you do when you're walking? I found myself calling people that I don't usually talk to on the phone all that often, So I had tons of conversations, of course, with my mom. I talk to her all the time, but I definitely have conversations with my mom on my walks. Called some of my cousins on my walks. You know, called a couple of friends I wanted to catch up with. So it's just, it's turned into this, really personal time, which I've never really had before. Where I get to, listen to podcasts or catch up with people. I haven't had the time to like touch base with, while also being outside, which can definitely be a challenge when you work from your laptop. So that was an absolute unexpected joy from 2024 for me.
Hillary:Oh, I love that so much. That's actually related. I also want to share to you on expected joy. So that's okay. I feel like we're cheating, but is what it is. I also spent a ton of time outside this year, as a result, I think of having a little 2 year old running around. I was just like, we are not going to stay in the house that will drive. Me and him and his dad crazy. and so I got to spend a lot of time outside, mostly just in our backyard or our front yard or, um, you know, at our little neighborhood park or whatever it was. But this was really, really nice for me because I grew up in Arizona. And so for me, I've always had this like associated little T trauma associated with summer. Um, just because summer is so hot and miserable. It's like, you know, it's like the Minnesotans version of winter in in Arizona, because you really can't go outside. You don't really don't want to be outside because it's like 120 degrees or higher. And so I feel like this summer and actually last summer to, where. They just kind of breathed new life into the summer experience for me. I wasn't just inside working all the time. I was. Outside because my kid wanted to be outside. And so when he was playing outside, I was, you know, just sitting in the sunshine, reading a book or working sometimes, or of course just playing with him, and that was also such an unexpected joy. and this year also Shane and Finley built a bunch of planters for our backyard. And so we had this just like. Lush garden where we were growing flowers and vegetables and things like that. So it also just made our backyard like a really beautiful place to be for once. And I really enjoyed that too. Like just getting my coffee every morning and going outside with Finley at like 8 AM every morning. And just like being amongst the flowers and the bees and stuff like that. It was just so fun. So I also loved being outside. the other unexpected joy that I had was actually with you, Kristen, and it also kind of has to do with being outside. you and I really committed to meeting every Friday or almost every Friday this year. Um, and we started at, you know, 1 particular coffee shop, and then we kind of migrated to a space. Starbucks, it was a little bit closer and we spent a lot of time on that Starbucks patio, just like working together and chatting, um, and dreaming up things for our business together. And that was also just really, really fun to kind of have dedicated time every week to meet with another person. Work together, be outside. And it was just, it was so fun. I will always remember 2024 for like. Those times.
Kristin:I know I never appreciate it. I don't think. Especially when you go from like having to be somewhere all the time for your job to having to be nowhere at all for your job, like you can work anywhere. I think what meeting you every week did was kind of Create this space that's somewhere in the middle. It's like, yay. I have a place to be on Friday at 1 PM and I'm so excited about that. rather than just, you know, working from home or from the couch or something. and it also took out some of that, you know, loneliness that can happen a little bit when you work for from home or for yourself and you don't have built in work colleagues, which honestly, I'm going to add another. Unexpected joy, because
Kristin:this whole episode is going to be about unexpected joys.
Kristin:what I think is such an unexpected joy along these veins is having a work colleague by choice. In you and yeah, I mean, you know, running your own business means you run your own business and sometimes you grow a team and things like that. And that can, be really fun. But most of the time you make a lot of decisions by yourself, and creating community intentionally is, you know, just something I think is a non negotiable if you're in business for yourself because it's so vital. So it's been such an unexpected joy for us to see each other way more than normal and to create these kind of work rituals together. That is definitely something I'll remember this year for.
Hillary:I love that. Well, okay. So our next questions are also very, very lighthearted, perhaps even more. So, um, I always like to look back and look at my Goodreads list and, and think about some of the shows that I've watched and what, what was my favorite book or, or, um, Usually for me, it's what were my several favorite books and what were some shows that I watched. So, I'll start this time. And, and you and I kind of talked about this a little bit before we hit the record button. we both had a hard time picking out our favorite books from this year, which is something that has never happened to me before. I don't know exactly why that was, And I want to say I'm okay with it. I'm okay with not having like a standout book this year. I feel like I read a lot of books just for fun. And I'm really glad that I did that, because what I will say is I went to bed every night looking forward to my reading time. And that was really great. You know, so some of my favorite books this year were the Crescent City series. By Sarah J Maas. You and I talked about it. I think we both felt like there were maybe some plot holes that prevented it from being like one of my favorite series of all time. but I had so much fun reading it.
Kristin:before you continue, I feel like that series in particular has to come with like so many asterisks of like, it's a great series. It's like, it's a great rabbit hole to go down. And Also, if you're not familiar with Sarah J Maas and her fantasy romance style or her world building style, Crescent City will confuse you and it will feel like a lot of work to, like, trudge through the first at least 100 pages of the first book. So, yes, I thoroughly enjoy them as well, but if you're new to Sarah J Maas, do not start with Crescent City.
Hillary:no, it's so funny. I feel like this with, with each of her series is like, You have to either get through, like you have to slog through either the entire first book or the entire first 200 pages or whatever, you know, like, and so it's weird because I'm so glad that somebody recommended them to me. And actually I think you were the person and another one of our friends, Olivia. I'm so glad that you guys recommended them to me, but I have a really hard time recommending them to other people.
Kristin:Same. I almost don't recommend them. I just can't, can't in good faith make this recommendation, but like, I'm so glad I read them.
Hillary:I know, which is just a really funny, like, opinion to have about a book. another one that I did read that is totally, totally different, was a book called our moon and it was a nonfiction book written by a science journalist. It's a book that I heard about, the author was on science Friday on NPR. So of course I'm driving up to Loveland to meet you. And I hear this author talking about this book that she's written about the moon. And it was this really fascinating book. It was broken up into three different parts. the first part was, How the moon was made. So it's kind of like the geologic processes and theories of how the moon was formed I found it very fascinating. Then the second part was. How the moon made us, and it was all about how the moon actually played this really pivotal role in evolution and like how, you know, sorry, I'm getting into the weeds here, but how basically life moved from water to land was, was all to do with the tides and things like that. So I found that really fascinating as well. And then the third part was how we made the moon. And it was like how people, you know, looked to the moon and, you know, assigned things to it. Gods to the moon or whatever it was. So it was just this really fascinating look at the moon and its history and, and what it means to us earthlings and things like that. And so that I think would probably be my top read. It was one that was totally out of left field for me. but now I like look up at the moon at night and I'm just like, so fascinated by it. So. I enjoyed that.
Kristin:I love that. I need to add some more books like that to my, my rotation. I think you said you like to read like one nonfiction book a year? That's just like kind of informational and something you're curious about.
Hillary:Yeah. Like there was this one this year. the year before that I read a book called 1491 I think. And it was like this whole look back at what life was like for humans on the American continents before Columbus came and like wreaked havoc on, you know, immune systems and things like that. So that was a really fascinating one. My one for next year is called the light eaters and it's a book all about plants. So I'm excited for that one too.
Kristin:Oh, that is awesome. I love that. Okay. let's see my my favorite reads from this year. Yeah, I agree I had a little bit of a hard time being like wait, what did I read this year? This was one of my first years. I didn't really keep track of what I read I don't know why I usually just write them down in my notes app or something and I didn't but two things kind of just come to mind off off the top of my head One is the throne of glass series, which ironically is written by the same author As Crescent City, so Sarah J. Maas. If you're unfamiliar, she writes a lot of fantasy series. So that's kind of her niche or her genre, so to speak. And I can't tell you how many times people have said to me that the Throne of Glass series, which by the way is something like nine books long or something, it's long, is one of their most favorite things that they've ever, ever read. And I am so excited to get to the point where Throne of Glass becomes good, because right now I'm in book two, and I'm not seeing it, but I'm gonna hold on, because a lot of people have told me that it, it, it really, like the first three books are just hard to get to, and then it, uh, it becomes amazing, which tracks, like, from the other Sarah J Maas stuff I've read, so, I'm excited to get through this book and the next one and start to see some of the magic that folks are talking about in reference to the Throne of Glass series. The other book that stands out to me that I've read is the second book in an unfinished trilogy. called the Empire of the Vampire. And, uh, if you remember, I talked about this book as my most favorite book when we recapped last year. So I read the first one in 2023, and the second one came out early this year, 2024. And it 120 percent delivered for me. I actually do think The Empire of the Vampire and the second book called The Empire of the Damned are like tippity top for me in terms of book series that I've read. And it's so hard to explain and like kind of weirdly embarrassing to explain. Like this is a book about vampires, which objectively, objectively is just like silly. You know what I mean? But I fell fully in love with the main character who like narrates the whole thing and this whole world that this author built, where it is just a time in the world where there is no sun. So it's uh, doom and gloom kind of gray sky for the whole thing, and in those conditions, vampires, of course, flourish, and they end up kind of taking over, the, the lands and stuff like that. But the characters are unreal. The plot for me is just, keeps me reading, you know, page after page. I cannot put them down. When I read the first one, and this also happened to me with the second book, I found myself throughout the day, like usually I'm reading a book and I'm like, okay, cool, I'll read it at night or I'll read it before I go to bed. Throughout the day with these books, I would like squirrel away and try to read like a paragraph or like a page, like just in between stuff, because I couldn't wait to figure out what happened next. And, uh, yeah, so they had me hook, line and sinker at this year, totally delivered. And I cannot wait for the last book to come out, and I think it comes out next year.
Hillary:Okay. I'm glad that you brought this up because I remember I read Empire of the Vampire last year at your recommendation. I did enjoy it. I don't think it was tippity top for me. It wasn't, that was me with the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. I was like going to the bathroom more often than I needed to, just so I could read a little bit more. Like throughout the work, I was like hiding from my, One and a half year old, but I do want to read the second book. So I'm going to pick that up in 2024. Um, when I finish the current series that I'm reading. So I'm glad that you liked it just as much as the first one, if not more.
Kristin:Perfect. And a little, tangent sidebar here. I remember one, one thing that you said to me maybe a year or so ago, or maybe when Finley was born, you had gotten a Kindle, And you loved the Kindle. Do you still feel that way?
Hillary:Yes. So I was a very anti Kendall. Before Finley was born. And then when I knew I was having Finley, I asked for a Kindle for my birthday, my birthday is in may. And Finley was born in June. Cause I was like, well, I feel like I'm going to be spending a lot of time in the dark, like nursing a baby throughout the night. And I would love to not just be like scrolling on my phone. Right. So I asked for a Kindle cause I knew I would be able to like easily read in the dark, not have to get like a book light situation and like bother the baby, whatever it is the best thing. Ever. Like I love my Kindle now and actually when people gift me books and I love to receive books as gifts, like I love to receive books as gifts, but I'm like, I'm gonna have to like, just put this on the shelf and get the Kindle version anyways, because I do still spend so much time. Reading in the dark and I just don't like to do the book light like it bothers Shane. It's like right now, of course, we have a baby in our bedroom because she's 2 months old. So I don't want to wake her up with the book light. I just love the Kindle and I'm not sure I'll ever go back.
Kristin:So this Christmas, I'm getting a Kindle based on your recommendation and I'm so excited about it. And I, I was just telling you this before the show, but, I looked around recently at my bookshelves and again, like books and reading is like, so kind of precious to me. It's near and dear to my heart. And I always loved collecting books because It's like an artifact and a thing that you've read and it just feels important But I looked around at my shelves and I was just kind of like a lot of this is cluttery. There's so much dust I'm not gonna read a lot of this stuff again So matt and I went through our whole book collection and we donated and sold Whatever we could that we didn't feel attached to. and we kept just a few things that I either felt like I wanted to revisit or just didn't want to give up. but it felt so good to kind of go through that purge. And I'm so excited to now have a Kindle where. I don't have to kind of collect actual physical books anymore. I mean, of course, maybe if there's something I love, I'll still get it. But, um, yeah, I'm excited for that journey.
Hillary:Yeah. I actually, I kind of have a lot of thoughts about this. So like, not to get us too far off on a tangent, but I just want to share kind of what I do now because I'm the same way. Like I was a person before I had Finley, I had, I think five giant bookshelves throughout my house and I do not live in a big house. Like I live in a pretty small house. And so over the years I've had to kind of purge, like, Bookshelf by bookshelf to make thing, make room for other things. And so we've narrowed it down to not counting the kids and the bookshelves in their room. Um, I have only two bookshelves left in the house. And so what I like to do, and especially in the Kindle, it's so nice. I like to check eBooks out from the library instead of buying them because I'm probably not going to read them again. Right. And if I read a book that I absolutely really, really love, then I will buy the hard cover. And I bought myself like a light, a nice little. Set of personalized book plates from Etsy that like have my name, you know, like this book belongs to Hilary. And so I like put my book plate in my hardcover book of a book that I really like. And a lot of the books that I choose, I think about them as like, I want these books to be on the shelf that my kids will see as they grow up. You know, like I want these to be books that they might pull off in the future or something like that. Um, so that's kind of how I've managed like my love of books and still wanting to have a lot of books around, but not having space for all the books in the world.
Kristin:That's brilliant. I love that. I'm going to swipe that.
Hillary:All right. Well, kind of related to this question. Um, let's talk about favorite shows. Cause you and I are both also like, we love our shows.
Kristin:Who doesn't love a show? Yeah. Um, do you want to go first?
Hillary:Yeah, I'll go first. I'm going to cheat again. I didn't have like a single favorite show, but I did have a favorite streaming service this year. Every single show that I watched on Apple TV, it just blew me out of the water. There's shows I could watch over and over again. So there were four shows that I watched on Apple TV this year. Um, number one was of course, Ted Lasso. I was a little bit late to the Ted Lasso train. So we watched that show. I could just watch it over and over again. I just thought it was so cute. along those same lines, kind of like in that comedy line, we also watched Shrinking, which was also really, really cute. Um, and then we watched two drama shows on Apple TV as well, Silo and Severance. And Silo, is one that I know the second season is coming out right now. We're kind of waiting for some episodes to build up. I know that you also have watched Silo. Shane is actually reading the book series right now too, which he says is really good. Um, and then the other one was severance. I feel like all of these started with an S and severance is also just like, so good. It was one of those shows that Shane watched the trailer and he was like, Hey, we should watch this. This looks really good. And I was like, you know what? You can watch that one by yourself. Um, but we did start an episode and I just totally fell in love with it. So Apple TV, I think just like really crushed it this year with their shows. And I can't wait for new seasons to come out.
Kristin:Yeah, I've watched. All of those also, and I couldn't agree more, especially with Silo and Severance. Those stood out to me for sure as just like dramas that were super original and like totally gripping. Like I cannot wait to see what happens in both of the series when the new seasons air. My show for 2024, this is so funny, but my show for 2024 is Love Island. Which is, if you're not familiar, is a reality TV show where a group of folks, strangers, group of strangers, all in their early to mid twenties, get together in a villa. they're like plucked as like, you know, very attractive singles. and they're put together in a villa and they're like, it's, it's sort of a game. So they have to try to quote unquote, kind of find love with the other people who are in the villa and new people are added and some people are dumped from the island. And it's the perfect storm of reality TV. Drama, which by the way is like a secret love of mine and like game show It's like a really really interesting mix And what has made this my favorite show of the year is not the fact that I Could literally binge an entire season in like three days But the
Hillary:Which is like six episodes.
Kristin:oh, yeah that oh, that's the other wild thing about love island Usually typically shows come out once a week You But Love Island, when it's airing, comes out five days a week. And it covers almost, like, or more, and it covers almost an entire summer season, So it's like six weeks, or eight weeks or something, right? So, I think you would describe it this way. the audience is well fed. Like there's a new episode every day, basically. it's a wild experience. Anyway, what has made this my most favorite show of 2024 is that you, Hilary, Myself and another friend of ours, Kasha, have a group text thread where mostly what we talk about is Love Island episodes, contestants, love triangles that are popping up on this show, who's been outrageous on this episode, who's been dumped, and You know, these seasons are just chock full of drama, like they're engineered to be dramatic. So, I mean, truly, truly, one of my most favorite joys from 2024 is our group text thread about Love Island. It's a daily thing, and it's just one of my most favorite things. Little text threads. Like it's a love language for me is like texting and this checks all my boxes.
Hillary:I know this is also, this should be on my unexpected joy list is this text thread. Um, because Kasha and I both have been like diehard love Island fans pretty much since the beginning. Like I have seen every single season of UK, USA and Australia and UK has like 11 seasons out or something. Like I've been watching love Island since 2019 and I have never, ever, ever had anyone to talk about it with. I have always watched it by myself. Sometimes Shane will catch an episode and roll his eyes. And that has been the extent of my, like, I get to talk about Love Island. And a lot of people do know this. I share this pretty frequently, but it's embarrassing. Nonetheless, Finley's name is from a contestant on Love Island. Like I first came across the name Finley from season six, Love Island UK from a contestant named Finley. And not that I particularly like this person or anything. I mean, he, he was a great. He was a great character to watch, So I, I'm a huge Love Island person and just having this text thread with you and Kasia, I agree. It's, it's been one of the highlights of my year so far.
Kristin:It is so funny. This is also falls into the category of like guilty pleasures of mine that I cannot actually recommend to people, but I'm so glad that I'm in on the secret. You know, like when people ask about love Island, I'm like, Oh, I'm fully obsessed with love Island. And also, I don't know that I want you to start watching it. and in fact, I think I had tried to watch Love Island, like maybe a few years ago, just didn't flicking around, and like saw ten minutes of like one episode and was like, okay, not for me. Man, am I glad that I circled back. Like, I It's just such a guilty pleasure. I love it so, so much. and I guess, suppose you do have to be a reality TV lover, but I can't recommend it, but you know, maybe, maybe watch it.
Hillary:if you're curious, give it a try, but if you don't like it, don't judge.
Hillary:Well, I feel like we have now just talked for over 30 minutes about just like the lighthearted fun questions, which I honestly thought was going to take us. 10 minutes.
Kristin:I know. Actually, why don't we do this? Why don't we wrap here? Wrap this episode as like part one of our fun Reflections of 2024 and why don't we pick up next week with some of these deeper, more reflective questions about 2024?
Hillary:I love that. Well, this was so fun. thank you to all of our listeners for sticking with us. Hope you took some wrecks or not from this episode. Um, and, and I've also thought about, you know, some of the things that you really enjoyed over this past year. So next week we will dive into some of the deeper stuff. And so we will catch you then on the next episode of Teachers Make the Leap.
Thanks for joining us on this episode of Teachers Make the Leap. We can't wait to help you make the leap from teacher to thriving business owner. If you liked what you heard today, subscribe to the show on your favorite listening app and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. We'll see you back here next week.